Forecast for Tuesday Evening (Oct. 21, 2008) into Wednesday Morning (Oct. 21, 2008)

Nelson - 7News - Denver metro . . . little to no accumulation; Mountains . . . 3-5 inches
Donaldson - News 4 - Jim Benneman makes Stacey Donaldson very uncomfortable at the beginning of this video, calling her "snookums," which is awesome. Denver metro . . . rain/snow mix - little to no accumulation; Parker and to the South . . . 1 - 3 inches; Eastern Plains . . . severe thunderstorms giving way to snow later
Dunn - My Fox Colorado - "You can smell the stockyards" (Northeast winds - often signify cold/snow/updraft and blow a smell that's the combination of dog food and a bean burrito fart from Greeley (where it always smells like that) to Denver) Denver metro . . . minor accumulations
Alright . . . we'll check back tomorrow and see how everyone did. Let the chaos begin!
Amazingly, it started snowing in the South Burbs around 7:00pm last night. If you take into account the temperature of the ground when it started and the fact that after an hour to an hour and a half of snow that I had actual accumilation, then I guess 'ole Marty C at 9news did not do to bad. I'll keep you updated.
Excellent . . . I'm looking for spotters to help verify the wild claims of both the weather crews and myself. Maybe I can count on you to be the South Suburban Measurement Expert (SSME)? We'll come up with a better name later.
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